Lynne's Day Trippin'

Food, Travel & Other Adventures
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Blow Hard and Don’t Inhale

October 25, 2017

Good advice for the adventure Lara and I had a couple of weeks ago. We spent an evening at Decatur Glassblowing creating our very own glassblown pumpkins. We had a great time and look forward to taking more classes in glassblowing. Christmas balls, here we come.

Decatur Glassblowing is a hot glass shop located near downtown Decatur, GA. The shop was created in 2012 by glass artist, Nate Nardi, who owns and operates the shop and teaches the classes. The shop is open daily from 10:00am to 8:00pm at 250 Freeman Street. Classes can be scheduled any time, any day. by calling 404-849-0301. You can place custom orders or pick up your own creations.  Group events, group demonstrations and classes, from private to large groups can be arranged.

Lara and I were in a small class of six people. We were amazed at how easily Nate taught us the basics of glassblowing and we are thrilled with how well our pumpkins turned out. You know, I went to a hotshop in St. Petersberg, FL a couple of years ago and was fascinated at the skill it took to make some of the items we saw. Now I’m tickled pink that I can do some of that myself. We really are looking forward to taking a Christmas class. The Christmas classes are already on the website:

I posted our experience on my Facebook page and have already had friends sign up for and take classes, and they loved it. Give it a try if you’re looking for something unusual, but fun, to do.

Oh, and don’t worry about the inhaling. Nate assured me that the possibility of anyone being able to inhale hard enough to do their esophogus any harm, is slim to none.