About Me

Hi! I’m Lynne. I’m going to give blogging a shot. Why? Because so many friends and acquaintances have suggested it.

I’m a Georgia native and my husband and I are retired. Retirement is great, but sometimes we spend the day trying to figure out what to do with the day. That’s why we started Day Trippin’.

 Most of all, I love to travel, near and far.  For those near trips, they will include one or two day trips, hence the “Day Trippin” blog name. Once in awhile we pick a direction or basic destination and just hit the road, no reservations or schedules. I’ll definitely include those trips, as we always seem to discover unusual, interesting places. I love to share these excursions, just in case someone else might want to check them out. That’s part of the reason for the blog.

Let’s get going!

BTW, this blog is intended to be positive, so I will not “pan” less than satisfactory places or food. 

Again, thanks for joining me.